IPR Basket


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IPR Basket

One of the aims of the Dismarc project is to expand the use of archival sound recordings. Today, many archival collections are only available for listening purposes on premises. In some cases (broadcast archives), listening is possible by appointment only.

The development of internet and digital technology offers many new possibilities to make archival recordings more widely available. Digitisation has been recognised as the standard method for preserving historical sound recordings. Once recordings are digitised, they could easily be made available to all interested users. However, copyright law sets many limitations on this.

Copyright owners have the exclusive right to authorise (or not authorise) various uses of protected works. Acts restricted by copyright law include reproduction, distribution, exhibition and public communication. For instance, making a protected recording available for streaming or downloading on the internet involves both reproduction and public communication. The rights owners whose permissions are needed may include authors, performers and producers.

Copyright is a bundle of rights. Sound recordings may have a large number of rights owners. The arrangements which archives have with these rights owners vary considerably.

Copyrighted materials can be used for many purposes. For each purpose, the permission of the rights owners is needed.

A quick solution to the problem was to simplify contacts between archives and potential users, but leave room for individual consideration in each case. For this purpose DISMARC presents a licensing tool which will simplify contacts between archives and potential customers.

How the tool works:

After performing a search within DISMARC the user will see a result list.

The items in this result list do carry a "shopping cart" symbol at the left hand side of each item description.

1. If you click on that the item is being selected for the IPR basket.

2. If you open the basket via a click on "My basket" (very left hand side) you can view your selected items and submit a request for the IPR clearing of these items.

3. Emails to the various archives from which items are being requested are sent out.

4. The Emails carry the Email address of the user that is requesting items and include the identifier of the items.

5. Each archive from which items have been requested will respond to the user in a separate letter. The archives may insert standardized first answers in their collection description on the DISMARC platform.

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